Time for the good folks

No bad news, no bad guys today, only action and opportunity.


We’ve been talking a lot about the fossil-fuel takeover of the climate negotiations in the United Arab Emirates, but the world is not all bad guys (they are, however, very bad). In fact, there are only a few bad guys and many, many more good folks.

This afternoon at American University, dozens of climate activists, journalists, and policymakers are meeting for a public forum on climate activism and political action. Organized by We Don’t Have Time, speakers include Greenpeace executive director Ebony Twilley Martin, Heated’s Emily Atkin, the great climate reporter Rebecca Leber (who Vox just laid off, ffs), Sunrise Movement’s John Paul Mejia and Climate Defiance’s Michael Greenberg, environmental law experts Bill Snape and Steven Donziger, Bahamain ambassador Wendall Jones and Thai ambassador Tanee Sangrat, U.N. Environmental Programme senior economic advisor Pushpam Kumar, and many more. You can register to attend in person or watch online.

And at 3 pm, the wonderful policy nerds at the Congressional Progressive Caucus Center (CPCC) and the State Information Exchange (SiX) are hosting a webinar on the direct-pay provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act, an historic green-energy grant program for local governments and non-profits. Speakers include Michigan state Rep. Abraham Aiyash (D-Mich.) and policy experts from the CPCC, SiX, the BlueGreen Alliance, and the California Green New Deal Coalition.

Helping the good folks get work like this done is why Hill Heat includes job listings on a regular basis. Without further ado,


First off, congratulations to Matthew Tejada, who has been named SVP of Environmental Health at the Natural Resources Defense Council. And in exciting news news, former Earther star Molly Taft has joined with Amy Westervelt’s team at Drilled.

If you’re interested in deploying those direct-pay grants, consider applying to become the clean energy programs coordinator for the National Association of State Energy Officials ($55K-$60K, Arlington, VA or remote).

Lead Locally, which identifies local elections key to the climate fight and then works highly effectively to win them, is now hiring a distributed organizer ($65K, remote) and a fundraising coordinator ($75K, remote) for the 2024 campaign.

The wonderful investigative reporting group Documented has several open positions: senior democracy researcher ($74K-$92K, remote), democracy researcher ($56K-$65K, remote), oil and gas research and communications specialist ($58K-$82K), and oil and gas researcher ($58K-$82K, remote but oil patch preferred).

Fossil Free Media, which pushes the public-relations industry to cut its ties with the fossil-fuel industry, is hiring a communications manager ($72K-96K, remote) and a digital and social media manager ($84K-$96K, remote).

The Center for American Progress is hiring an associate director or director of responsible renewable energy development ($77K-$92K minimum, hybrid DC) and a policy analyst or senior policy analyst for conservation ($62K-$68K minimum, hybrid DC).

The Democratic-climate campaign powerhouse Climate Power has several active openings, including for its Latino engagement arm, En Accíon. Compensation is high for non-profit work and either remote or based in DC.

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory is hiring a project manager for international clean energy and climate projects ($77K-$140K, Golden, Colo. or remote).

Earthjustice is looking for a managing attorney for its Community Partnerships Program ($214K-$251K, DC, NYC, or LA).

Pleiades Strategy, the climate-policy consultancy led by Frances Sawyer, is hiring a research associate ($70K-$83K, Bay area or remote).

As ever, many more great job opportunities can be found at Ed’s Clean Energy & Sustainability Jobs List.

At 11 am, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee is considering the nomination of Kurt Campbell to be Deputy Secretary of State. Campbell, currently Biden’s top White House official for the Indo-Pacific, is the co-founder of the Center for New American Security, a think tank he established in 2007 for departing Obama Administration military and diplomatic officials and financed by defense contractors.

Hearings on the Hill:

Climate Action Today:

Until very recently, I didn’t know that European robins, like those in The Secret Garden and The Death and Burial of Cock Robin were completely different birds from American robins. Every day we each have the opportunity to learn something.

Thanks for subscribing and spreading the word. If you’ve got job listings, event listings, or other hot news, I want to hear it. Connect with me@[email protected] and  @climatebrad.hillheat.com on BlueSky

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