Stolen Stars

Bro, Biden bodied Big Oil


I re-read Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH yesterday. Boy, does it still hit hard. With the economy of prose characteristic of the best children’s books, NIMH conveys the depth of compassion for all living things, the piercing inquiry into the purpose of intelligence and of civilization, the sweetness and brevity of life.

On the other hand, it pays to be a fossil-fuel flack.

Pho­to­grapher Raul Veld­er­rain was arres­ted on a charge of tres­passing as he attemp­ted to cap­ture this image of the Milky Way behind the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge, a photo planned two months before.

In truly shocking news, the Line, Saudi Arabia’s planned 105-mile-long skyscraper-wall with a 9-million-person capacity, is a complete disaster.

Bro, have you seen the League of Conservation Voters “Biden bodied Big Oil” spot targeting youth voters? It’s like, totally, lame!

Seriously, who greenlit this?

Noah Bierman talks with LCV’s Pete Maysmith, EDF Action’s David Kieve1 , and EDF Super PAC head Jack Pratt2 about the challenge of marketing President Biden’s climate record to young voters. Although he was polite enough not to ask about the above ad, Bierman finds that youth voters, broadly speaking, are concerned about the economy and abortion, while young climate activists like Gen Z for Change’s Elise Joshi, who are key to voter mobilization, are angry about Biden’s stance on Israel’s brutal campaign in Gaza and his approval of Big Oil boondoggles like the Willow Project.

I’m hoping the overall strategy is better then “YO watch” Biden temporarily pause the approval of some LNG export facilities.

I honestly think voters—even YOUNG people—can understand the message that the Republican Party is controlled by fossil-fuel eco-fascists, but at least there’s a fight within the Democratic Party for control, that youth need to mobilize to win that fight, and that organizations like LCV and EDF are on the right side of the battle.

Killdeer was still sitting on the nest, in the rain this morning.

It’s a busy day of budget hearings:

The member day for requesting earmarks in the Transportation and Housing and Urban Development appropriations is in the morning and the member day for Commerce, Justice, Science, and related agencies is in the afternoon.

Hearings on the Hill:

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Bro, have you even subscribed?

1  Kieve is a longtime Democratic politico, former Biden White House climate engagement official, and husband of CNN commentator and former Biden communications director Kate Bedingfield, the daughter of journalism professor and former CNN executive Sid Bedingfield.

2  Pratt is a former staffer for Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.), the co-founder of the Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition.


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