Pop quiz time

FERC meets, battery fires, saying goodbye to the Amazon


🎶 one of these things is not like the others… đźŽ¶

The U.S. Department of the Treasury and Department of Energy have received more than 46,000 applications for the Inflation Reduction Act’s Low-Income Communities Bonus Credit Program in 2023, four times the capacity of the program to support. The applications were for about 8 gigawatts of renewable generation, and around 2 GW will be funded. The 2024 round of the program will be opening soon.

The monthly open meeting of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, now dominated by a pro-fracking majority, begins at 1 pm, and will be held at Howard University School of Law. Among the agenda items is the Saguaro Connector Pipeline, intended to carry nearly 3 billion cubic feet of natural gas from Texas’s Permian Basin across the Mexican border for export across the Pacific.

In the House, Republicans are going after environmental policies on multiple fronts:

Also, the Science Committee hosts top federal science officials for a hearing on securing the U.S. science and technology enterprise at 10 am, and Foreign Affairs discusses the Russian nuclear energy sector at 2 pm.

Hearings on the Hill:

Climate Action Today:

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