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Chuck climate justice into the dump!

Manchin's dirty deal gets a vote as Hurricane Ian gains steam


I’m keeping this brief so I can head down to the No Dirty Deal protest this morning.

Today at 5:30 PM, the U.S. Senate casts its first vote on Sen. Joe Manchin’s (D-W.Va.) dirty deal—formally, the cloture motion on the motion to proceed on the continuing resolution with his plan, which will require 60 votes to pass. Although there are many bros excited about the plan to fast-track the fracked-gas Mountain Valley Pipeline and a new generation of other fossil-fuel and mining projects, staffers are skeptical that Majority Leader Chuck “Climate Justice Into The Dump” Schumer can round up the needed votes.

Fun new fact from Maxine Joselow: the language in Manchin’s released plan that guts Section 401 of the Clean Water Act was drafted by Equitrans Midstream, one of the companies behind the Mountain Valley Pipeline. Fortunately, and perhaps because of her reporting, that provision was stripped from the language attached to the CR.

The continuing resolution also includes $12.3 billion in military assistance for Ukraine and $2.5 billion for New Mexico in the wake of the Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon Fire.

Climate leader Bill McKibben is in town, joining two protests this morning. The first is in front of the World Bank headquarters with Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project, ShutDownDC, and the Glasgow Actions Team to protest the Trump-appointed bank president David Malpass, who is under fire for being an open climate denier as the world burns.

Then the protesters will proceed down Pennsylvania Avenue, past the White House to the U.S. Capitol, to speak out against the Manchin deal.

Hurricane Ian spins over Cuba on its way to Tampa Bay

Tampa Bayans (Bayers? Bayites? Bayesians?) are evacuating as Hurricane Ian feeds on oil-and-gas-heated Gulf waters, still on a direct track for the city. Early this morning, Ian’s high winds and flooding rains spun through western Cuba.

Rep. Andy Levin’s (D-Mich.) staff is the first to unionize. Congrats!

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